Our Vision and Values
As a Catholic school community with faith in God and respect and trust for one another. We strive for a quality education making learning fun and challenging.
Our school community, through community consultation, identified our five core values which are are inspired by scripture –Faith, Respect, Learning, Trust, Community.
These values form the basis for all relationships at St Michael’s. Students are explicitly taught these values and they are at the core of our school expectations.
Our Mission Statement
Our life at St Michael’s is lived in the Catholic faith. Strengthened by worship and prayer, supported by a committed community and challenged to become whole persons, we minister to one another in service and love.
While aiming for the highest standards, our school is a listening place where each child feels recognised, valued and challenged, being drawn to achieve according to his or her ability. Our hope is that parents will also feel listened to and involved in the life of the school.
We look to the building of the Kingdom of Jesus through community, and through education of the whole person through relationships.
By community we understand the involvement of parents, children, priest, staff and our friends in the parish, in the mutual building of Christian relationships within the school. These relationships are based upon a sense of belonging, and a spirit of co-operation and reconciliation.
By education of the whole person we endeavour to teach:
- That life’s meaning is based upon the following of Jesus
- That every person has a right to respect, freedom and care
- That striving to realise one’s own potential leads to fulfilment in life
- That the development of the social, emotional, physical, intellectual and spiritual in each person is essential to a complete education
- That self-discipline and a responsible attitude are necessary for an individual to become the best possible person