A bicycle rack is provided for children who wish to ride their bike to school. It is situated close to the OSHC building against the boundary fence. Children must dismount when on school grounds and walk to this area from the Muir Street entrance into the school. On leaving the school children should walk to the designated exit of the school and ride home. Students must not ride or walk through the Parish/Staff car park. Helmets must be worn by any person who rides a bicycle. Please note, like in all environments, it is the rider’s responsibility to ensure that their bicycle is locked securely at the bicycle rack.
Stop, Drop and Go
Our children’s safety is paramount and parents are asked to exercise extreme patience and care at all times when dropping of and/or picking up children. Parents MUST obey the parking regulations as stipulated on the signs. No parking is permitted in the school grounds at any time.
Our school has one Stop, Drop and Go zone at the front of the school. A reminder that supervising staff are there to support student safety.
We ask that cars are not left unattended in the Stop, Drop and Go Zone as per the displayed road signage. If the zone is full, then cars must continue to drive around the block to avoid a backup of traffic.
At the start of the school year new families are provided with a name card for their car visor. If replacements are required, contact the school office. When collecting students from the Stop, Drop and Go Zone, please display this sign on your visor. This helps the supervising staff to get students ready for you to collect, making pick up time faster and smoother for all.
- Parents and carers are asked not to access the Parish/Staff carpark during school hours.
- Please be patient and courteous to staff, parents, students, and other vehicles.
- Drop off and pick up times can be busy, but if we all follow the directions the process will be smooth for everyone.

Bus Services
A number of bus companies service St Michael’s School.
Bus companies do not advise the school about student travel arrangements, this is the responsibility of parents.
Parents contact the bus company directly to arrange transport to and from school, and then advise the school with details for addition to our bus list.
Local bus company contact details
- Contact Details – 0400 899 566 or email
- Route Details – Pine Creek Road, from Gray Rd heading out towards Yarrabah.
- Contact Details – Ted on 0400 392 244 or email
- Route Details – Goldsborough, servicing both sides of Goldsborough Road.
- Contact Details – 4035 4500 or email your enquiry to
- Route Details –
St Michael’s Yarrabah Bus Service
St Michael’s runs a dedicated bus service for enrolled students that reside in Yarrabah. Contact the school on 4258 4100 for more information.
Transport Assistance Scheme
The Non State Schools Transport Assistance Scheme (NSSTAS) provides financial assistance for families transporting students to non-state schools in Queensland. To find out more about eligibility requirements, the opening and closing dates for applications, and to apply, visit the School Transport website.