The education we offer at St Michael’s is a holistic one that focuses not only on curriculum and the academic basics of a good education, but also has a spiritual and personal focus and a particular emphasis on social and emotional wellbeing. We are constantly seeking to improve facilities, resources and the quality of service provided to families.
Our high quality and reflective teaching practices, together with the nurturing of school-wide positive relationships, are qualities that are valued by our families.
St Michael’s is a two stream, Prep to Year 6, primary school.
- Sporting opportunities are made available for students such as rugby league, netball and soccer along with in-class physical education.
- Classroom music is taught from Prep to Year 6. Instrumental music instruction is available for students in a wide range of instruments.
- Students in Years 4-6 participate in Public Speaking.
- Information Communication Technology (ICT) is integrated into teaching and learning. Each student has access to their own personal device including laptops, iPads and other mobile electronic devices.
Parent involvement at St Michael’s is highly valued, and very welcome. Parent support is a key indicator in student learning.
Students, parents and teachers have the right to a safe, orderly school environment where students can grow academically, physically, socially, emotionally and spiritually in order to learn. St Michael’s has developed a Whole School Positive Behaviour Plan that underpins the positive behaviour choices expected of students within the school. We encourage self-discipline and offer an environment in which students can learn without disruption. In turn, students are required to maintain high standards of behaviour and to respect the rights of others.
Our school has the services of a school counsellor and learning support teacher to support student learning and social emotional development.
Families at St Michael’s value our school for its warm, small town country feel. We welcome all who seek to share in our community and the values which make us who we are.
Join us! Enquires are always welcome.